Testing interpreter connections for Translate@Home

Testing interpreter connections for Translate@Home

Clevercast now offers a quick and easy way to test whether an interpreter’s internet connection to Clevercast is sufficiently fast and stable. This test can be performed by (potential) interpreters prior to an event. This way you can find out, without wasting...
Bilingual language rooms for interpreting in both ways

Bilingual language rooms for interpreting in both ways

Clevercast Translate@Home now supports bilingual language rooms. This allows interpreters to translate the floor audio into two languages in turn, without having to connect to different language rooms. This can be used, for example, for an event with a mixed...
Remote Simultaneous Interpretation with Interpreter Relay

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation with Interpreter Relay

Clevercast Translate@Home supports interpreter relay and interpreter coaching. The interpreter relay dropdown (below the real-time player) allows interpreters to listen to an interpreter of a different language in real time and use this as the source of their...
The joys of simulive streaming

The joys of simulive streaming

Simulive streaming, also known as pseudo-live streaming, makes it easy to stream pre-recorded videos as if they were ‘real’ live streams. Viewers won’t notice any difference. If you have the opportunity to pre-record your event, there are many...
Ensuring autoplay for videos and live streams in Clevercast

Ensuring autoplay for videos and live streams in Clevercast

A question that we are asked very often is: “How do I make sure that my video player starts automatically?” We’ll try to answer this question here, and explain how you can turn on autoplay in Clevercast.   Why doesn’t my video start playing...